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Development Services

Clairemont 18 Card 1

CLAIREMONT 18 CARD 1.tif.s,uJlEMONT UNIT #HL OO&/l7SOO ~ CARD#! Permit to Suburban Developers to maintain 4 model homes, one on each lot 3917, 3918, 3919, Lot 3920, with sales off. in gar on 3917, with 4 signs 18" x 23", one for each lot & 24 flag pennants on 6 1 standards; with one 3'- 2" x 5'- 4" freestanding sign for sales off. & one sign 1 1 x 4' on off door on Lot 3917, E side Rolfe Rd. E end Seri St. R-1, cond'l Case #3025 12-31-59--------------------------------------------------------------------------wts 3904, 3905, 3906- Permit to Suburban Developers to adjust lot lines per plot plan on tile in Plan. Dept. at NW end oi Bert Court, Zone R-1, cond that certificate of survey be tiled shoe. distance betweem bldgs & new prop line. Case e.3054 1-22-60 AMEND Cue 3025 to erect 3011 x 6 1 sign on Lot 3~17, at 4431 Rolfe Road, ending 4-30-6o---3--,----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot~- Permit to John P. & Shirley A. Gibbs to maintain exist patio open on three sides attached to exist dwell with direct access thereto; patio obs 16 1 v rear yd where 20 1 is req, at 4237 Seri St., SW cor Seri St. & Rolfe Rd., Zone R-1, condl. Case #5861 7-30-63-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.Z.