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Development Services

City Heights Map 1007 Block 140

CITY HEIGHTS MAP 1007 BLOCK 140.tif CITY HEIGHTS MAP 1007 BLOCK 140-Lots 39-43- Permit to Christiana Western Structures, pur &, Inc., own to constr a 2 story, 4 unit complex on lots 39-41 containing approx 5,550 sq ft where one unit for each 3000 sqft is perm & to provide 4 parking spaces, driveway, laundry room & play yard on Lots 42 & 43 where such accessory uses are permitted only on lot with residences, 4 unit complex to result in approx 44.~ lot coverage where 4~ is perm in the 3000 blk of 38tn St., 50 south of Redwood St., Zoae R-2, condl C-9720 3-10-70 V Lots 44 and 45- Permit to Charles M. Watt, ollller, and Victor Ornelas, purchaser, to move on a sin story deulex on a lot containing approx 4450 sq. ft., where a min lot size of 5000 sq. ft. is req for two units; at 3000- 38th St., betwn Redwood St. and Quinee St. Zone R-2- Cond'l C-11,978 6-4-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------