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Development Services

City Heights Block 97 Card 01

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 97 CARD 01.tif CITY HEIGHI'S BLOCK 97-Lots + &, S'1Y ior Lot 6-.Permit to_Ca,rl J --&.. Agnes_Sjol._& Qmer__k Dlive_____ ~-- Littlepage, joint owners, to move sing fem res on par with exist sing fam res--me.Kifig--a:--total of' twoa:weri-;-exlst l:'e-s ons ct--mdeyctwrrere 3t--1s--re~-~- at---~71.~ 41st St, R-2 Zone, Cond1 1.____ CASE NO. 4933 5-15-62--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S 10 1 "of Lot 6, All Lot 7.. Permit to Carl J. Shol & Omer Littlepage to____ move sing fam res from NE cor of lot'Jat 1709 Main St. to.3573 41st St. HM # 3852 4-30.:.;62------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------___ South! of Lot 22 & all of Lots 2J & 24- TABLED req of Perry M. & Donna Watt to maintain move in single fami~idence on a par having-8750 sq. ft. & " 2-exist singfam reel.::----- dances ma.king a total of J llv units on the par where two liv units on a par with 6000---$q- ft. plus one acidn unit for. ea}OOQ addn. sq. ft. of lot area with a max of 4 llv llilit <> are penn. Case No. 7004 2/16/65-------------------------------------------------------.,----., '.----- ----.-- -~------- s---_ South 10 1 of lot 6 ancl all of Lot 7- Permit was considered by ZA to 8AYMOND V, AND CATALINA C. VILLEGAS to construct a second story addition to an existing single-family awelllrig, addition to observe a 2--rrrterior side yard where 4 1 is required, at ~11 4lst Street, Zone R-2... DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a 2-story addition to observe a 2' interior s1de yard where a 4 is required and to observe a 13 1 front setbac1 < where 15' is requi-red. wmHtions. c-17269 6-19-81 f(("-