City Heights Block 95
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 95.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 95 t Lots 11 & 12- permit to Lee and Emma Coudreau to const 2 sin fam dwells on rear of said lots, making 3 units on the prop. with 5'-6" access ct. on 1 side of exist res & 4 16" access ct. on the other side., 3551-4oth St. Res. No. 3386 8/25/1+8 Lots 7 & 8- permit to Frank C & Ruth Snell to const duulex in rear of sin fam res, making 3 units, at 3567 l+oth St. Res. No. 8345 7/7/54 Lots 7 & 8- permit to Frank C & Ruth Snell to const duplex with 7' access, at 3567 4oth St. Res. No. 831+6 7/7/54 St Lot 33, all Lot 32- permit to Ricardo Mungcal to maint. exist sin fam res & reserve right to bld second sin fam res on Centr-1 Ave. S-219 2/7/55 Lots 34, 33 (exc S)- permit to Jose Arrollado to maint. exist sin fam res & erect 1 additional sin fam res on Central Ave.,R-2. S-280 2/7/55 Lots 11 & 12- permit DENIED to Ray A. Goudreau to const 2 units making a total of 4 units, in R-2 zone, the new units to be served by 5'6" access, at 3551 4oth St. Cases No. 1178 & 1179 5/13/57 Lots 23 & 24- ZA APPROVED request of AT AND SIDA V0NGS0TSAVANH to move a 2-bedroom house on- to a lot with an existing 2-bedroom house, where moved bldgs are permitted only by Conditional Use Permit at 3505 40th st., Zone R-3000, with cond. C-18815 O/7/85 UV