City Heights Block 89
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 89.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 89 V 90' of lots 1 to 3 inc.- permit St. to SW cor Dwight & Wilson Ave.-to move 1 story frm res from 4151- 35th to Nina Allen. Res. No. 256 5/20/l+-8 Lots 19 & 20- permit to James B. & Geraldine Daugherty to main exist porch with 14'4" SB on 36th St., 3504-36th St. Res. No. 9133 8/31/55 St. Clsg & Lots 19-20, exc Nly 10 1 of Lot 20- permit to James B. & Geraldin~ Daugherty, Jr., to main exist res & permit 1 other unit. S-598 5/20/59 N 10 1 lot 20, all Lot 21 & S 8-1/3 Lot 22- Permit to Lloyd E. & Jane E. Hoffman to add 2nd unit in rear of R-2 zone, 43-1/3 1 on 36th St. S-599 5/20/59 N 16-2/3' Lot 22, all Lot 23- permit to Mary Truesdale & Mary Bousman to maint exist res with ~1-2/3 ft. frontage on 36th. S-600 5/20/59 Lot 4 & N 10 1 Lot 5- permit to Fr~ncis s. Wqlsh to bld sin fam res with possible future unit with 35' frontage on Wilson St., R-2 Zone. S-610 Lot 5 exc N 10 1, all Lot 6- permit to Francis s. Walsh to maintain exist sin fam res & possible future unit, 4o frontage on Wilson St., R-2 zone. S-611 7/30/59