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Development Services

City Heights Block 82 Card 02

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 82 CARD 02.tif C ITV HEIGHTS BLOCK 82 CARD #2-Lots 13,16 & 17- ZA APP!\OVED request of WILBUR & MARY HABERMAN to constr. 52 1 611 of 4 1 high retaining wall observing 0 1 front yd on 37th St. where a max. of 3 1 retaining wall is permitted in the 15' reqd front yd; to maintain 37 1 611 of 3'8" high retaining wall obs. 0' front yd on 37th St. where a max. of 3 1 retaining wal I is permitted in the 15 1 reqd front yard at 3637- 37th Street, Zone R-3000, subj to cond. c-18793 5/22/85-----------------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------