City Heights Block 82 Card 01
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 82 CARD 01.tif g.lTY HEIGHTS BLOCK 82 CARD #1 Lots 41 & 42- permit to Orin P. Tepner to conv exist gar into liv quar & with 4' betw res, 3670- 38th St. Res. No. 6552 6/25/52 W 69' of S 9' Lot 23 & W 69 1 of 24- permit to Wm Pucher to erect lO'xlO' add to exist res addn to have lO'rear yad, 3603 37th St. Res No. 69?0 11/12/52 Ely 45' Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Manuel & Isabel Duran to add bathrm to sin fam res to replace exist bathrm, b1 dg having 7' rear ydl 3719 Landis. Res. No. 792~ 12/9/53 Lots 18 & 19- Permit to Thomas c. McLin to const duplex, making 3 units at 3623 37th St., R-2, condl. Case No. 1578 12-27-57 Lots 41 & 42- permit to Kenneth c. Evett to const res,making 3 liv units at 3670- 38th St., R-2, condl. Case Nol 1627 1-31-58 Lot 20- permit to Winston L. & Lelah Richards to const detached 15.'-6" x 30 1 gar & storage bldg on uar with exist duplex resulting in approx 4~ co~erage is permitted, at 3617 & 3619- 37th St. betw Dwight & Landis Sts., Zone R-2. Case No. 7630 4/8/66 West 50'-0" of Lots 1 and 2- Permit APPROVED by ZA to FERNANDO AND DEN I SE ROMERO to construct a family room (with kitchen extension) and bath addition to observe a 10'-0" front yard setback on 37th Street where 15 1-0" is required, and to observe a distance of 2'-0" from detached garage where 3'-0" is required, located at 3703 Landis Street, Zone R-3000. Conditions. a, C-18481 7-6-84 "'1''-