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Development Services

City Heights Block 75

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 75.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 25 For Lots 47 & 48- Permit to Helen Louise Harris to conv exist gar to beauty shop att. to res & obs 8" sideyd, at 1+333 Landis St. C Zone, Case No. 1081 3/18/57 Lots 25,26, & S of 27- Permit to Nathan & Molly Prager to const steady neon sign as shown on plan, obs 0 1 SB (10 1 req) at 3606 Fairmount Ave. Zone c. Case No. 2563 6/4/59 Lots 25,26,27 (S)- AGREEMENT #lo41 to Nathan and Molly Prager to const steady neon sign obs 0 1 SB from Fairmount Ave. where 10' is req. Case No. 2563 6/9/59 Lot land N 9' of Lot 2- Permit to Frank J. Moog at 4319 Lanois St.- 3693 43rd St. (corner lot) to maintain approx 40' of 6 1 hi fence obs 01 setback along Landis St.. Condit. c-15972 4/11/79--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------