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Development Services

City Heights Block 74

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 74.tif CITY BE.IGHTS BLOCK 74 St Lot 10 & all Lot 11- Permit to C. Fitzsimons to make repairs to exist u res at 3753-43rd St, exist res with 2 1 611 sideyd. Res No. 684 8/3/44 S Lot 10 & all Lots 11 to 20 & N Lot 21- condl permit to SBfewey Stores Inc. to aper parking lot in conj with supermarket across alley to E in C zone, on '+3rd St. betw L!rndis & Wightman, R-li-. Case No. 1451+ 10/11/57 Portion of Lots lO, all of Lots 11- 38 and alley to be closed- Permit GRANTED to SAFEWAY STORES, INC., owner/permittee, to construct and operate a 30,940 square foot supermarket with parking and landscaping, located on the north side of Landis Street between 43rd Street and Fairmount Avenue, Zone C and R-3A (proposed C). PCD #66 6-22-79 EXTENSION OF TIME #1 TO EXPIRE 9-15-81 (1-20-81) Lots 39- 40- Mid-City Development Permit granted by the Planning Director to SAN DIEGO AIKIKAI, A CALIF. NONPROFIT CORP. to construct two caretaker units; one three-bedroom unit & one one-bedroom unit; a variance for no off-street parking & incidental accessory used as may be termined and approved at 3760 Fairmount Avenue in the CN-7Zone. MCD 91-0839 5/27/92------------------------------------------