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Development Services

City Heights Block 69

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 69.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 69 Lots 27 & 28- Permit to Harry Howard to canst 3rd (3 pk sps prov) R-2. Res. 6623-liv u.nitl 3714- 41st St (7/23/52 E 53' or 23 & 24- permit to Philips. Dillinger to const ~ddn to fr of res haying 3' rear yd, at 4064 Landis St. Res. 8867 4/13/55 Lots 45- 48- Permit to Kenneth R. & Linda M. Steele to canst a l&-unit apt bldg: l) to obs 5' int side yard; 2) to provide the 23 req parking sp11ces of which 5 spaces \'Jill be in tandem. 4071-4077 Wightman Street. R-3A Zone. Conditions. 9-8-78. C-15364.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lots 7, 8, 9, & 10, Map #1007- Permission is granted to BEVERLY & FRANK MANFRED, (OWNER) & STEPPING STONE of San Diego, Inc. (PERMITTEE) to operate a 28 bed residential alcohol treatment facility located on the east isde of Central Avenue, between Wightmand & Landis Streets (3757-67 Central Avenue), zoned MR-15008. This was granted by the City Council. CUP 85-0209 9/30/ 86---------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------