City Heights Block 60
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 60.tif CI'?Y HEIGHTS BLOCK 60 Lots 39 & l+o- Permit to Leonard E & Mary units on prop, 1 unit served by 4 1 aceess Res B. Wilkes to const res, making 3 ct, 3862 Wilson Ave. No. 9028 7/6/55 Lots 41-42- condl permit to Mr.,& Mrs. Leo Calhoon to const 3-car gar with sing fam res atove making a total of 3 dwell. on the par, the new dwell to be served by a 4 1 access ct where 10 1 is req, at 3868 Wilson Ave betw Univ. Ave and Wightman St., Zone R-4. Case No. 6985 2/26/65--~--~----------------- Lota l,2,3,4- Permit to Autotronic Systeu, Inc and Big Bear Market #3 & Cooks Market Profit Snaring Plan, owner to constr and operate a service station without accessory uses, located on the soutb. side of University Ave. betv 35ttl St and Wilson Ave. Zone c. 335-PC 4-6-72-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------