City Heights Block 56 Card 02
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 56 CARD 02.tif CARD =al"~ CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 56 Lot 36. S. 1/2 of Lot 37- Permit to Carmine & Lillian Reddiconto. Owner; P. Bond, S. A. Schraeger and James Schraefel, Purchasers, at 3846 38th St ., Zone R-3A, to erect approx 110' of 2 1-14 1 high retaining wall with 61 high solid fence on top (overall ht 81-20 1, obs 0 1 Interior side yard. Condit. ~--- <:\.~ ~?_::~ 0----------------------~=~~~:~----------~~~~:~---------- Lot 36, south half of Lot 37- Permit APPROVED by ZA to TRANS-CAL INVESTORS LTD. #3 to construct a three-story, II-unit apartment building observing 4 1 side yard on the north and 4 5' side yard on the south sides where 7' is required, and erect approximately 110' of 2 1- 14 1 high retaining wall with 6 1 open fence on top {overall height 8 1- 20 1), observing 0 1 interior side yard where maximum 6 1 high retaining wall with 3' open fence on top is permitted in 4 1 interior side yard, located at 3846-3854- 38th Street, Zone R-3A. Conditions. C-18068 NH 5-24-83 Lots 34 and 35- Permit GRANTED to ABEL G, MONTELONGO, an individual, owner/permittee, to construct and operate an elderly housing project located on the west side of 38th Street between University Avenue and Wightman Street, Zone R-3A. CUP #83-0365 8-18-83 Lots 34 & 35- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Mid-City Development Permit to ABEL MONTELONGO AND FRANK FERNANDEZ to construct a Mid-City Development at 3840 38th Street, Map 1007, MR-1500B Zone. MCDP #88-0260 6-2-89