City Heights Block 51 Card 01
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 51 CARD 01.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 51 1llllf' CARD 11 Lots 16 & 17- permit to L. s. Rickard to move a duplex from 3919-21 Utah St. to 3831-33- l+lst St. HM Res. 499 6/8/1+9 V 50' Lots 25-26- permit to Helen G Bates to erect rear ~orch add & car port add to exist res with 3'11" rear yd., 4128 Wightman. Res No. 4373 1/11/50 Lots 33 & 34- permit to Robert V. Edison to move fence frame res from 3662 Univ. Ave. to 3836 Marlborough Ave. HM Res 700 3/31/50 Lots 31 & 32- permit to Karls. Grinnell to move res from 1837 Front St. to 3832 Marlborough Ave. HM #3121 3/12/59 Lots 31 & 32- permit to Earl S. Grinnell to move res from 1847 Front St. to 3832 Marlborough Ave. HM #3120 3/12/59 Lots 31 & 32- permit to Earl S. & Evelyn Grinnell to move in 2 sin fam res, with exist sin fam res & duplex obs 6 1 access ct, (12 1 req) making total of 5 units on parcel 2 units to be moved in will obs all yard req. at 3828 Marlborough Ave, R-1+ on cond. that 4 off-st ~kg sps naved with asphaltic concrete be provided. Case #2429 4/10/~9 Lots 35 thru 42- permit to Guaranty Chevrolet c/o John Butler to remove exist structures & use as park lot & stor of autos in connect w/adj. gar in "C" Zone, at 281+6-48 Marlborough betw Wightman St. & Univ. Ave, R-4, condl. Case No. 61+75 6/19/64 {Case appealed by Edw. & Joyce Bassett on 7/22/61+)