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Development Services

City Heights Block 46 Card 02

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 46 CARD 02.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK l+6- CARD# 2 Block 1+6, Lots 25-28- service station within 10' of P.L. on Fairmount Ave. Granted to Standard Oil Co. Res.50330. 6/3/29 Lots 46, 47 & 48 exc Ely 10 1 st. opening- Permit to Mr. Gorman L. Burnett, owner of Parcel A & Parcel B, and B. c. & G. E. Thompson, purch of Parcel Bj and Jessie M. Sorensen, owner of Parcel C; to adjust lot lines in Lots 4b, 47, & 48 in accordance with plat map on file, estab Parcels A, B, & C as legal lots, Parcel A being the Wly 37' of Lot 48 & Wly 37 1 of Nly 15' of Lot 47; Parcel B being lot 46 & Sly 10 1 of Lot 47 exc Ely 10' st open; & Parcel C being lot 46 & Wly 37' & Nly 15' of Lot 47 exc Wly 37' exc Ely 10' st open, at Par A- 4329 Polk, Par B- 4090 Fairmount Ave.,. Par C- SW Corner Polk Ave., Zone c, condl. Case No. 6125 11/14/63