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Development Services

City Heights Block 3 Card 01

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 3 CARD 01.tif ' Clll HEIGHT:BLOCK 3 CARD #1 Lots 35, 36 & 37- DENIED permit to Nici Piscopo to conduct a ret~il Nursery Business at 3344 Nile Street Res. No. 1540 5/9/46 Lots 35, 36 & 37- Cond'l permit to Nick Piscopo, 3344 Nile St. to conduct a retail nursery. Appeal filed on Res No. 1540, sustained. City Council Res 8339: ABOVE 6/Xl/lt-6 Lots 35, 36 & 37- Nick Piscopo granted an ext. of 2 yrs. on Res #83393(above) cond'l, 331+1+ Nile St. Res No. 89917 6/22/48 tots 35-37- Nick Piscopo, ext to 6/30/52, to Res #899171_which extended Res. No. 83393, ABOVE Res 98335 6/20/50 FILED AFTER RI!;S. NO. 1540 Lots 35-37- Nick Piscopoi request to sell packaged seeds, etc., in conjunctia with Res. 83393 ABOVE, DE~IED. Res 98335 6/20/50 B 50' Lots 1 thru 4 & S 10 1 Myrtle Ave, closed- permit to S & G. A. Graham to cons 2nd liv unit on lot div after zoning, rear of 3419 Myrtle Res. 5680?/11/51 Lots 14 & 1;- permit to ~rs. Rose Hinkle to move frame gar from 3339 Boundary and relocate on same lot.. HM Res 1197 9/25/51 i- Lots 35'-37- N. Piscopo, ext, to CC 98335 for 2 yrs. approved CC107435 7/j/52_ Lots 35-37- N. Piscopo ext appr to 6/30/5'.8 Uase 556 6/8/56 1 Lots 25 thru 28- ~ermit to Joseph Strom to const 18-unit apt with 16'6" SB at NW cor Thorn & Nile, with 2 lamp posts having 7' SB, cond'l Case 1208 5/27/57