City Heights Block 189 Card 01
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 189 CARD 01.tif CITY HEIGHTS Lots 15-16- A temporary garage to DENIED to A, L. Jacobs BLOCK I 89 the P.t. at ~742 Swift Ave. 4/30/31 CARD #1 Lots 2, 3 & 4- condl permit to Schiefer & Sons to erect utility shed at 3780 Swift Ave. to be used in connection with main bldg used for light manuf'acturing, Res. No. 292 6/3/43 Lots 2, 3 & 4- condl permit to Carl & Frank I. McWilliams and Schiefer & Sons to operate a light wood working and venetian blind factory at 378() Swift Ave. & to permit the use of a temporary bldg for the installation of machinery and its permanent use in connection with the light-woodworking factory. Res. No. 1113 9/27/45 Lots 2-4, incl.- Amendment to Res. No. 1113, re. Frank I. McWilliams of Bay City Venetian Blind cro. Res. No. 3681 1-26-49 S 4 1 Lot 13, all of Lots 14 & 15- Decision tabled till later date on request of Geo. M, & Jeanette G. Amancie to const 4-car gar with duplex above obs0' SB on Wabash Ave. where 15' SB is req; exist sing fam res on parcel fronts on Swift Ave; duplex will result in 3 dwells on parcel, at 3742 Swift Ave. betw Wightman & Landis Sts., Zone R-4. l)l________________________________________________ case_No._7003____ 3/5/65___________________ Above case AMENDED that if and when Wabash Ave. is proposed to be improved, such improve- ment shall be in accordance with requirements of the City Engr. Dept. and that illegal storage of lumber, blding material and/or other material on lots 10 & 11, Blk 189 City Heights, at 3750-52-54 Swtft Ave. shall be removed before final inspection on the subject property. Case No. 7003 4/16/65---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------r,-o