City Heights Block 138
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 138.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 138 ]} Lots 15-18- Permit to City Heights Improvement Committeei Inc., "Permittee," to const. & operate recreational playground in and on rea prop in the City of San Diego located on the East side of 39th betw Quince & Redwood Sts., & more particularly deseribed as follows: Lots 15-18, Blk 138, City Hts Sub, condl. C.U.P. Cqse 159-PC 10/26/6? Lot# 14:, AGREEMENT to convert an exisitigg elettached garage to a laundry room (with Plumbing), storage room, and recreation room. GREGORIO AND ELENA ESTRADA 3043 39th St. R-3000,_;J 6/1~/84 Agree. #JllO