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Development Services

City Heights Block 122 Card 01

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 122 CARD 01.tif =#; CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 122 Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Geo, Denny to continue operation of religious services in a tent erected by the 1entecostal Church for a period of 60 days from Dec. 16, 1939 on same condi- tions as contained in Res. 70137 on the SE cor 38th & Thorn St., lies. 70452 12-12-39 siy Lot 47 & all 46- Permit to Ernest W. Freeman to bld as pennitttd by ordinance on this R-2 zone parcel S-339 12-15-55 Nly} Lot 4 7 & all Lot 48- Permit to Ernest W. Freeman to bld as permitted ordinance on this R-2 zone parcel. S-340 12-15-55 Lots 33 & n 10 1 of Lot 32- Permit to Norris & Nell Greenwood to maint. 2 exist res & make addn to 1, 35 1 frontage on 39th St. Zone R-2 Lot 31 & S 15 1 of Lot 32- Permit to!,ell & Norris Greenwood to bld as permitted in the R-2 zone, with 40' frontage on 39th St. S-37l 5-11-56 Lot 36 & S 15 1 lot 37- Pennit to lrank J. Sarn tc develop according to rl-2 Lot 38 & N 10 1 ~ot 37- Pennit to Frank J. Sarn to develop according to R-2 Aone S;tot 23 & all Lot 24- permit to Ollie Edwards & Willie B. & Mamie N. Martin to canst dupl~ or two sing fam units on this parcel, with 37 ft. on 38th. St. & 140' on Redwood R-2 Zone Case 651 11/19/59./ l ll,