City Heights Block 119
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 119.tif QITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 119 Lots 8 & 9- Permit to Robert Lantto to canst sin fam res with 5 1 SB on S side Bellingham Pl. (15' req) betw 37th & Cherokee St., R-2 C-341 3-12-56 Lots 6 & 7- Penni t' to Raymond E. Klimper to move in res & observe 9' SB & canst gar with 13' SB (15' re") S side Bellingr,arr, Pl. betw Cheroi:ee & 37th St. R-2 C-1281 7-23-57 Lots 15 & 16- Permit tc.itobt, & Patricia L. Lantto to canst one sin fam dwell with carport obs 5' SB (15 1 rer:) at S'i; corner bellingha.m Ave. &37th St. rl.-2 C-2941 11-20-59 ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Mrs. Minnie E. Danielson to move dwell onto rear 60' of lots, bldg to face Myrtle St & Obs 5' SB from front prop ltne, 3493- 37th St. Res 50375 6-10-29----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 10-16- Permit to Ramon & Theresa Reynoso TABLED C-13459-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------