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Development Services

City Heights Block 09

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 09.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 9 f//1 Lots 9-10- Permit to Clarence H. Houston to move a duplex farom 2418-20 Wells St. to 2331-2331 (TP Boundary St.) HM 3812 4-4-62 Lots 1-2- Permit to Simon & Angie Zeedyk to (1) constr 100' of solid fence 6 1 hi obs O' street side yard on Kalmia St where a max 3' high fence is perm in a 10' street side y,ard (2) maintain 60 1 of solid wood fence ranging in height from 7'7" to 12'7" obs O' street side yard, 15' rear y, ard and O' int side yard where max 3' high fence is perm in a lO'st side yard, a max 6' nigh fence is perm in a 4' int side yard and max 10' high fence is perm obs all yards, at 2387 Boundary St at SE cor Boundary St and Kalm.ia St. Zone R-2. Cond'l. C-11797 N.H. 2-5-73 Lots 9 & JO- Hillside Review Permit to Richard E. Thompson for 4 1611 to 6' high ret wall, 2335 Boundary St., 230 HR 9-16-75 Lots 3 & 4- ZA DENIED as requested/APPROVED # 1s 1, 3, 4 & 6/partially APPROVED# 2/DENIED # 5 request of MARK Q. MORGAN to maintain, currently in violation: (1) a two-story, 89 sq. ft. storage shed on a premise with a total of two dwelling units where current zoning permits one dwelling unit; (2) aforementioned storage shed observing a 2'-6" south side yard where 4'-011 is required; (3) an attached garage observing a 0'-4" south side yard where 4'-0" is required and an 8'-7" front yard where 15 1-0 11 is required; (4) three compact parking spaces within the required front yard where parking is not permitted; (5) an 8'-3" high sunshade structure observing a 0'-0" north side yard where4'-0" is reiuired; (6) an approximate 6'-0" to 7'-0" high solid fence on so. side yard where a maximum 6-0" high solid fence is permitt- ed at 2351-2351 Boundary St., Rl-5000 & Rl-40,000 Zones. Conditions, C-21105 8-27-93 t}