City Heights Addition Block 36 Card 01
CITY HEIGHTS ADDITION BLOCK 36 CARD 01.tif cm Diall'lfl 4DDI'l'ION BicO':K 36 card # I Block 36- Lot 23-24, W 50' & S 20 1 of the W 50' of Lot 22. 'Build aervice atation & repair shop ~1th repur shop out to P.L. service atation bldg within 101 of Cherokee & University. on Cherokee St. and the Permit to C. K. Warfield Rea. 43374 12/24/28 Permit to So. Calif Wal Co. 914 C St. to erect add to tel exchange at 4o42- 37th St. on Lota 33-36, B1.k 36, City Hts. with o aideyd, lO' rear yd & lot coverage 661. Res.74192 5/20/41 Lots 17-18- Permit to Cora M. Garrett to move 1-story frm res from 1834 Main St. to 4025 Cherokee St. HM Res 87 12/10/47 Lots 33-39- Permit to Pac Tel & Tel Co. to const 60'x66' add to exist tele. bldg. 10 1 setback, 4o42- 37th Res No. 4308 11/30/49 Lots 33-39- Permit to Pac Tel & Tel Co. to const above add 10~ rear yd, new structure to obs req rear yd. Res No. 4309 11/30/49 Lots 33 thru 41- Permit to Pac Tel & Tel to const addn to exist bldg, W side 37th N of Univ. Ave. Res No. 6112 1/25/52---'---~-'------------ Lot 19 & Por 20- Permit to Earls.Saretto move sing fam res from 4015 Cherokee St. to 4021 Cherokee. HM Res. 1888 3/31/54 Lots 33 to 41- Permit to Pac Tel & Tel Col to const 2nd story addn to bldg having 10 1 rear yd & having 60~ coverage (50% perm) at 4042 37th, cond'l. Case No. 1158 5/6/57 Lots 33- 41- Amending Case #1158 ABOVE to include Lots 42,43,44 & st of 45, cond 1 1- Pac Tel & Tel Co. Case No. 1158 8/29/57