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Development Services

Choates Addition Block 334

CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 334.tif CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 334 Lots 33 & 34- permit to Hester Reynolds to move sing fam res from 2804 K. St. to 3134 Franklin St. HM Res 704 4/4/50 Lots 33-34- Permit to Hester Reynolds to move sing fam, frame res from 2700 Commercial to 3140 Franklin St. HM Res. 1231 11J2/51 Lots 1-4- permit to Logan Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church to move a social hall and a church bldg, tq JO~ So. 32nd ~t. (from 805 25th) HM Res. 1351A & 1352 4/15/52 Lot 32- Permit to Ket Hawkins to move frame res from 2865 Commercial to 3128 Franklin Ave. HM Res. 1724 7/1/53 Lot 32- Permit to Ket Hawkins to move res from 4000 So. Newton to 3130 Franklin. ID,, Res. 2686 8/1/57 Lots 45 & 46- permit to L.P. Spencer to move res from 1305- 18th St. to 3186 Franklin HM Res. 2677 7/17/57 Lots,38-39, Permit to Mrs. R. Hatcher to move res from 21.32 Union to 3156 Franklin HM Res. 3176 5/6/59