Choates Addition Block 127
CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 127.tif. OkOA!ES.,.ADDiflOlf...,_...,..... "':BLOCK 1~7-Block 127, Lots 28-39- Dumping trasb to till Lots in R-4 DENIED by Res.66838 11/23/37 Lots 2 and 3- Permit to City ot San Diego to move single family residence from 3435 Broadway to 3287 "F" Street. HM Res. 494 6/7 /49 Lots 2 and 3- Permit to City of San Diego to move a garage from 3435 Broadway to 3287 "J.I'" Street. HM Res. 495 6/7 /49 Lots 17-23, incl.- Permit to Mattie C. & George E. Brown to move a frame garage bldg from 4041 Promontory St. to 729 N. 32nd St. HM Res 1571. 1/29 /53 Lots 28 & 29- Permit to Bessie I. Smitb to move residence and garage from 2825 "E" St. to 3216 "G" St. HM Res. 2585 & 2589 5/8/57 Lots 13, 14, 15 & 16- Permit tow. D. & Marcella G, Avriette, owners; Jess. B. Worthington, Inc., lessee to maintain contractor's storage yard for painting contractor with no outside storage on premises other then vehicle parking for painting trucksi max 12 administrative and storeroom personnel to be employed on premises, at 3235 "F" St., C Zone, cond 'l. Case No. 6319 3/9/64 \t.,