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Development Services

Choates Addition Block 126 Card 01

CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 126 CARD 01.tif CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 126 Block 126, Lots 7-8, rear 40 1 R-4 (Ors. 12795) suspended to allow poultry plant Permit to Emilie Perry & Ralph Hunter Expires 12/19/35 3255 ''E" Res. No. 12/19/32. Card ll Street- 59438 Lots 45 & 46- permit to Mrs. Veva Hughs to operate a repair shop for small household electrical applicances, 3286 F St., cond'l. Res. 5731 7/25/51 Lots 39 & 40- DE.NIED perm to Ray M. Jessup to move steel quonset bldg from 1310 National Ave. to 3260 F St. HM Res 1270 1/8/52 Lots 39 & 4o- permit to Ray M. Jessup to move steel quonset bldg from 1310 National Ave. to 3260 F St. HM Res 1282 1/14/52 Lots 45 & 46- permit to extend Res. 5731 ABOVE to Mrs. Veva Hughs to oper repair shop 3286 F St., for one year. Res No. 6514 6/11/52 Lots 1-3- permit to J.P. Campbeel to move bldg from 2567 F St. to 830 33rd St. HM Res No. 2480 12/20/56 K 17' Lot 39 & all Lot 4o- permit to Ray W. Jessup to move res from 2054-56 Union to 3362-3362 "F" St. HM Res 2880 5/28/58