Chesterton Extension Block 4 Card 03
CHESTERTON EXTENSION BLOCK 4 CARD 03.tif OHESTER'fON EXTENSION:BLOCK 4 Card #3 Lot 23, exc Ne~5.5 & Lots 24-26- AMEllDED ABOVE CASE NO. 3193- Condition No. 9 to take the plase ol Amend. dated 5-10-62 (to include 20' closed alley adj, making a total of 100' in depth; tne add 20' to br paved to match the eiist. 80') May 15, 1962 Amendment- Condition lo, 9 to include 10' or tne west half of closed alley making a total of 100' in deptn; the add prop to be paved to matcn exist pavement. C-3193 5-15-62 ~-).-:L-5-7/ ~26 & Por 23- Condl;permit to Richfield Oil Corp. to add conopy to exist pump island wlUcn obs 13' 9" SB; canopy to obs 4 1611 SB on Linda Vista Rd., wb.ere tne average SB of the blk is req; and add 12' 811 extension to exist service bldg; reduce ht of exist 1 igb.t poles on Linda Vista Rd_; install new light pole on 4" hi concrete base witb. the base to obs O' SB on DAniel St., and to hang one (1) 1 ighted S. &: 1H. Green Stamp sign 3" x 3611 from southweateJ most Electrolier Pole, all in service station at 7345 Linda Vista Rd., Zone R-C C-5423 1-21-63 Pot tot z~ & all of Lots 2~-26- Permit to The Southland Corp. to constr & operate a gasoline sales facility at NE corner or Linda Vista Rd. & Daniel Avenue, Zone CN. CUP 530-PC 5/18/78--r----.,.._-------'---..------------------------------------------------------------------------