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Chesterton Extension Block 4 Card 01

CHESTERTON EXTENSION BLOCK 4 CARD 01.tif CHESTERTON EXT BLOCK lt CARD #1 Por- Condl permit to Bd. of Educa., s. D. Unif. School Distr. to const 3 portable school bldgs 9' 6" SB at Shenandoah Dr. & Linda Vista Rd., Sly cor or intersec. Res. 3918 Parts of Lots 23 & 28- Permit to S.D. Unif. School Distr., to move a frame classroom-bldg from 6905 11.'amer St. to 2814 Shenandoah Dr. HM Res. 1590 2-17-53 Barts of Lots 23 & 28- Permit to S,D. Unif. Distr to move frame classroom bldg from 6905 St. Kit Carson School site to 2814 Shenandoah Dr. Chesterton School site HM Res. 1591 Parts of Lots 23 & 28- Permit to S.D. Oriif. School Distr to move a frame classroom bldg from 690; Kramer St. Kit Carson School Site to 2814 Shenandoah Dr. Chesterton School site. HM Res. 1592 2-17-53 iots 1 to 22, Blk ~; Lots 29-29, Block 4; Lots 1 to 26 Blk 5- Permit to S.D. Unif. School Dist to move STD B-1 Classroom Bldgs., from 5055 July St. to 2814 Shenandoah Dr. Zone R-2 HM 2625 & 26..