Chatsworth Terrace Block 19
CHATSWORTH TERRACE BLOCK 19.tif.. CHATSWORTH 'l'ERRACE BLOCK 19 Lot 22- Permit to Raymond & Gladys Mengar to erect an 8 1 stucco wall subj. to appl of Plann Dept. Res. No. 1220 12/6/45 at 34o6 Elliott S,. Lot 7- z. A. bas considered amended req of Helene C. Schneider to erect approx 50' of 5-Ei" high solid redwd frnce on top of exist free standing masonry wall ranging in ht. from 4' to 5' for a total heights of approx 81 where a max 61 high fence is perm in side & rear yds, at 3419 Freeman St. betw Chatsworth Blvd. & Willow St., Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED the req for 5'-6" high solid redwd fence but APPROVED 3' to 4 redwd fence on top of masonry wall for overall ht. of approx 8', condl. Case No. 6733 9/18/64