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Development Services

Chatsworth Estates Block C

CHATSWORTH ESTATES BLOCK C.tif CHATSWORTH ESTATES BLOCIC C Lot 6, Variance was approved by HO, ROBERTS. AND CELIA D. WHITE, OWNERS/PERMITTEES sought to expand an existing one-car garage to accommodate two-cars and storage. The existing garage, due to the topography of the site, encroaches 11-feet within the required 15-foot front yard setback on Point Loma Avenue. The proposed addition will encroach 11-feet within the front yard setback, and 2-feet 11-inches within the required 4-foot side yard, described as, and identified by size, dimension, quantity, type and location on the approved exhibits "A", dated 6-23-99 at 4344 Point Loma Avenue, Rl-5000 Zone 99-0129 6-23-99