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Development Services

Central Park Addn, Block 102 Card 01

CENTRAL PARK ADDN, BLOCK 102 CARD 01.tif.,.,_.A};,.:,. J_._----"'..........;:-~--=----~---............. '"......- "- "'--'"-......... CNTAAL PARK ADDITION BLOCK 102 Card 111 '-\, BLOCK 102, Lots 25-26- Building set?ack 7 1 front prop line, Pennit to Res 41851 Inwood M.E. Church 5-31-27 Lots 29 & 30- Cond 1 1 permit construct a 20 1 x 20 1 office a fence to W,M. Penick to add 22 1 x 40' shed, bldg. for contractor's yard at 3074 L Res 746 a 10 1 x 22 1 shed & St.- also const 10-26-44 Lots 21 to 24- Permit to Bethel Memorial A.M.E. Church to move a church assembly hall on same lots, located at 3081 K Street HM Res 509 6-28-49 Lots 19-24- Permit to Bethel A.M.E. Church to constr classr6om bldg addn to exist church; addition to obs all yard requirements but result in 65/o cov where 50"/o is perm, at 3085 K St.,:}I cor atJntersec with 31st St. Zone R-2 Cond 1 1 Chzzntif,i-1