Central Federal Subd. Card 3
CENTRAL FEDERAL SUBD. CARD 3.tif CENTAAL FEDERAL SUBDIVISION Lot 1- Permit DENIED to Central Federal Savings & Loan to erect a 17 1311 x 9 1311 double- faced, interior illuminated ID sign with a 3~ x 19 1 rider under, overall ht 52 1; pole to obs 10 1 St side yd with edge of sign to obs a 2 1 St side yd on Rosecrans where 10 1 is req & overhang to encroach 81 into req 10 1 planting strip at 1661 Rosecrans St betw Keats Street & Nimitz Blvp. Zone CA, C-10939 12-22-71 Lot 1- Permit DENIED by A2A the amended request of CENTRAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION to (1) construct a 126 sq. ft. customer kiosk (for automatic teller machines) to observe a 51 street side yard on Rosecrans Street where 10 1 is required; and (2) to provide 26 off-street parking spaces where 27 are required- at 1661 Rosecrans Street, Zone CA. C-17192 4-24-81 Lot 1- Permit DENIED~\~ ~~-n;.L FEDERAL SAVINGS to (1) construct 126 sq. ft. customer kiosk (for automatic teller machines) to observe an 8 1 street side yard on Rosecrans Street lllhere 10 1 is required; and (2) provide 26 off-street parking spaces where 27 are required, at 1661 Rosecrans Street, Zone CA, C-17284 NH 9-25-81 Lot 2- Permit DENIED by ZA to SAN DIEGO TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, Trustee, owner; RODEWAY INN- SAN DIEGO, lessee, to maintain a 485 sq. ft. ground sign, 46 1-611 in height, where a maximum 150 sq. ft. ground sign, 30' in height is permitted, at 2901 Nimitz Boulevard, Zone CA. C-17974 4-1-83