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Center Add To La Jollla Park Block 3 Card 1

CENTER ADD TO LA JOLLLA PARK BLOCK 3 CARD 1.tif CJM.IE'A.ADI> ITIOlf ~ LA JOLLA PARK: m.ocx 3- CARD /J,l Lots 20-22- Permit to Clarence P. Lee to erect & Operate 2 houses providing setback is maintained Cabrillo St. at 7491 Cuvier st. Zone R-1 Res, 66167 6-29-37 Res. 71142 4-9-40 (Renewal of above) Rew variance req to build addn per DES 2-14-62 Lot 8 & Bly 10' of Lot 9- Permit to Florence R.McKinney, owner, and Mrs. R.M. Glendon, purchaser, to divide and permit a sin fam res on this parcel, 7539 High Ave. Res, 2659 11-19-47 Lots 34 & 35- Permit to U Mobilehome Corp, for J,H.A. Pilgrim to move sin fam, frame res and garg from 2751 Frontier St. to 7564 Cabrillo St. H.M, Res. 869 & 870 9-1-50 Lots 14 & 15- Permit to Wm. Ypma to construct 12' x 20' addn with sink for workshop on south side of existing 18' x 22' garage with 3' sideyd and 18 rear yd at 7525 High Ave. Res. 4983 9-20-50 Lots 3-4-5- Permit to Arthur w. & Berniece Coltrain to erect fireplace & chimney with 28" sideyd to exist res with 4 1 side yd, 7567 High Ave. Res, 7034 12-10-52 Lots 3-5- Permit to Arthur w. Coltrain to const bath addn to res oaving 4' sideyd & chimney 28" at 7567 High Ave, C-1712 3-7-5ts