Center Add To La Jollla Park Block 16 Card 2
CENTER ADD TO LA JOLLLA PARK BLOCK 16 CARD 2.tif. " '. eDTl!:R ADDITION TO LA JOLLA PARK '\ 15 $ ~: 1 CARD #2 Lots 9 & 10- Permit to Thos. L. Shepherd to const commer bldg for ~y blue~rt7t co, BLOCK 16 with 3 to 5 emp. & 4 h.p. in motors, at 7445 Girard, R-C. Case #873 11/26 56 Lots 11 & 12- request TABLED by Helmuth-Jackson, lessee & Eliz. S. & Sterling Hall, owners, to const commer bldg obs 0' setback from Girard Ave. where average of the blk 10' SB is req. Cilase No. 5929 8/12/63 Lots 11 & 12- ABOVE REACTIVATED and permit granted to Helmuth-Jackfi!on, lessee, & Elizabeth S. & Sterling Hall, owners to const commer bldg obs 0' SB from Girard Ave. where the aver SB of the blk, 10', is req, at 7437 Girard Ave., La Jolla, Zone R-C. Case No. 5929 10/7/63 / Lots 11 & 12- City Council finds that sales office for cosmetics, proposed to be located on the Ely side of Girard Ave, Sly of Pearl St. (7437 Girard Ave, La Jolla) in the RC Zone by Harriet G. Hettinger, is an enterprise similar to and not more obnoxious or detrimental to the welfare of the community than those enterprises or businesses permitted in Section lol.0425, S.D. Muni. Code. CC Res. No. 181037 8/18/64 Lot 13- Permit to La Jolla Real Estate Co. to erect a 7' high solid wood fence where a max 6 1 high fence is perm, at 7427 Girard Ave. betw Pearl & Genter Sta, in the RC Zone, cond'l Case No. 7493 11/10/65 Lots ll-12- Permit DENIED to Arthur P, & Lorraine Quick, Owners and Med-RX-Drug Co,,Inc. lessee to erect one 3' x 81 dble-faced, int lighted, rool ID sign on 31 high legs where signs must be attached to but not proj more than 1611 beyong the face of the bldg nor proj above the parapet or eaves of the bldg (See C5929) at 7437 Girard Ave. betw Pearl St. & Marine st. Zone RC. c-8502 1-9-68 2,\.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------