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C.C Seaman's Subd Of P.L 1122 Block 444

C.C SEAMAN'S SUBD OF P.L 1122 BLOCK 444.tif..,. \ \,,,-C.C. SEAMAN'S SUBD DF P.L. H22 BLOCK 444 Lots 10~14, N50'- Residence back 5' p.l. on Torrence St. & regular SB maint on Dove Ct. Res. 62448 12-18-34 Lots 10-14- Ord. 12321 suspended for Res. to the p.l. on Torrance & SB of 10' maint on Dove ct., Granted to J. Terrell Scott. Res. 62551 1-22-35 Nl.y 100' of Lots 16, 17 & El5' of Nly 100' of Lot 13- Permit DENIED to Wm F, & Gladys K. Lamonte to const det carport in front of exist detached gar converted to living quarters wnich obs 5' rea,r yd; carport to obs O' SB on Dove Ct. where tne average SB of the blk of 15' is req at 649 Torrence & Dove Ct., Zone R-2. c-6166 12-30-63 Por Lots 25-34- Land Conservation Permit to c. Schwartz for swimming pool at 3621 Dove Ct Map 530 135-LC 9-13-74---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------