C.C Seamans Subd. Block 442 Card 1
C.C SEAMANS SUBD. BLOCK 442 CARD 1.tif..i.:;..... c:c:sEAMAN;ssuao,visiaN o~t'\-l BLOCK 442 \S CARD #1 Portion of Lot 10, All of Lot 11, and unnumbered fractional Jot lying west of Lot 11 ta%xii- (Portion of South 15 1 of Mission Street vacated, adjoining (T.M. 01-174)- Permit APPROVED by ZA to THEO CLARK AND EDNA RUTH MITCHELL to construct a 3-story, 8-unit apartment building; construction to result in (1) 53% lot coverage where 50% is the maximum permitted; and (2) with stairs and decks to observe a 4' interior side yard where 7' is the minimum permitted for a 3-story building, at 943 Torrance Street, Zone R-3 (proposed HR). Condi ti ons.. i.c,O,..,, 0 (C-16995 '\ \\ Lt ~)'-.J 12-24-80 4(+ ei{n,~a.,frt ip1l\ a e, l.-2,Y-R S 10-19-Z~J Lots 27-29- ZA DENIED as requested, but APPROVED request of GLENN YODER III & VICTORIA D. YODER for a driveway providing two, compact parking spaces observing 11 '-G" front yard where 15' front yard is required, subject to conditions, located at 3444!1avik St. C-19527 4/13/C7