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Development Services

Catalina Park

CATALINA PARK.tif CATAl.f NA PARK Lots 4, 5 & 6- Permit to Sidney Rose to split off Wly 50 1 therefrom, making total of 4 bldg sites, & bid sing fam res on each, cond. 15 1 setback maintained on Niagara Ave. on Wly 50 1, at NWly cor of Niagara of Catalina Blvd. Res 5303 2-7-51 Lots I thru 6- Permit to Sidney Rose to permit exacavation of approx 7000 cu yds soil, on Nly side of Catalina bet. Newport and Niagara, cond 1 1. Lots 4-6- Permit to K-P-L, Inc. Geo. Klicka, Jr. VP, bldg sites on 3 lots & erect sing fam res on ea, with 50 1 Nly cor Catalina Blvd & Niagara Res 5304 2-7-51 to split off NWly 50 1 making f 15 1 SB on Niagara Ave. for NW!y Res 6596 7-9-52 Lots J-6- Permit to K-P-L, Inc. Geo Klicka Jr. VP, to excavate approx 7000 cu yd of loan on Nly cor Catalina Blvd. & Niagara Ave. Res 6597 7-9-52 Lot I & por. Lot 34, Catalina Villas, permit to Wilbur L & Bernice Gantz to construct sin fam res & gar not having full frontage on dedicated street; and to adjust lot line into Lot 34, Ely end of Newport Ave., Zone R-1, cond 1 1 Case 2324 3-10-59 10