Casa Goldcoast Subdivision,Map 9142
CASA GOLDCOAST SUBDIVISION,MAP 9142.tif CASA GOLDCOAST SUBDIVISION, MAP NO. 9142 OO01q z c 0 '.) /() i:zr,.. Lot 2- SCA APPROVED two conununity area ID signs & one project ID sign of 20 sq. ft., said sign to observe all reqd. yards, with conds. at 10301- 10391 Camino Ruiz, Zone R-1000. C-19402 12/12/86 Lot 5- Conditional Use Permit AZ Approved- Pardee Construction, Owner; Roger Freeberg, Purchaser request to maintain (1) two community area identification signs to observe an 11'-0'' front yard where 15'-0 is required and (2) a 21 sq. ft. project identification sign to observe a 0'-0'' street side yard where 10'-0'' is required for Tiempo Square Three (apartments) located st, 10204- 10292 Camino Ruiz, Zone R-1000. Conditions. Case No. 19400 12/12/86 q