Casa Goldcoast Card 1
CASA GOLDCOAST CARD 1.tif CASA GOLDCOAST C0'1 1.:. '_X):, l! ,- l~~i'd # 1 Lot 2- Conditional Use Permit- PARDEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY/ROGER FREEBERG to maintain (1) two community area identification signs and (2) two project identification signs with a total area of 29 sq. ft. where the total face area of all wall and ground signs designating the permitted uses of the premises shall not exceed 20 sq. ft. nor 8'-0" in height at 10301- 10391 Camino Ruiz, Zone R-1000 Map #9142 C-19402 12/12/86 DECISION: APPROVED w/Conditions Lot 4- Conditional Use Permit- ZA Denied Pardee Construction's request but approved community area identification sign to observe a 10'-0" front yard where 15'-0" yard is required and a 21 sq.ft. project identification sign to observe 15'-0" front yard where 15'-0'' is required. Map No. 9142. located at 10170- 10182 CaminoRuiz, Zone R-1000. DENIED but Approved with conditions.. C-19399 12/12/86 Lot 1- SIGN CODE ADMINISTRATOR DENIED as requested the Conditional Use Permit sought by Pardee c2nstruction Company but APPROVED with conditions connnunity identification signs per revised drawings submitted to Sign Code Administration and two temporary on-site signs, maximum size 20 sq. ft., located at 10401-10499 Camino Ruiz, R-1000 zone. C-19632 9-30-87