Carruthers Addition Card 01
CARRUTHERS ADDITION CARD 01.tif CARUTHERS ADDITION CARD 1 (Por) Lot 24- Permit to G.R. Fisher to move steel and glass service station from 1305 Pacific Hwy to S. 113 ft. of E 100 ft. of Lot 24, at 1248 So 43rd St. HM Res No 857 8-24-50 Por Lots 14, 15, 16 & 17- Permit DENIED to So. Calif. Dist. Assembly of God, owner & Arrowhead Food Products Co., Inc., pur, to use bldgs on lot to oper wholesale bakery, with 25 employees and approx 30 h.p. motor, E side Boundary, approx, 300 1 S. of Ocean View Blvd Res No. 6365 4-16-52 Por Lots 14, 15, 16 & 17- Arrowhead Food Products Co., Inc. (ABOVE)- ZC dee sustained Res CC 106637 5-6-52 Lot 61- Permit to Louis N. Boulanger to move bldg from 8006 Alton Dr. to 1246 S. 47th HM 2192 9-1-55 Lot 20- Permit to Isabel Bedford to move bldg from 3727- &th to 842 San Pascual HM 2245 11-15-55 Por Lot 21- Permit to T K & Julia Toothaker to const bldg in R-4 zone for commer. use, with off-st parking in the C zone, on N side Nat'l Ave., approx 650 1 W of 43rd Res 9402 2-1-56 Por Lot 20- Permit to'Warren Rodewald to move bldg from 2240 G St, to 4270 Logan Ave. HM 2441 11-8-56 W Lot 10- Permit to Charlott Tann to move storage bldg from La Presa, Jamacha & Sweetwater Rd. Hansen's Ranch to 4403 Ocean View Blvd HM 2575 4-19-57 1(