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Development Services

Carmel Heights Extension Block B

CARMEL HEIGHTS EXTENSION BLOCK B.tif CARMEL KEIOH'l'S EXTlm!ION BLOCK B Lot 2 and E 40 1 Lot 3, A.:Earl Jones build 2 living units. 10/4/54 Lot 4 and W 15 I Lot 3 n 11 11 II n Lot 5- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Cliffor J. Houston, purch. & Albert E. & Irene M. uones, owners, to move in one sin fem res, with attached gar. residence to obs. 8 1 setback from Little Flower Street (22' average of blk req) at 3407 Little Flower St., SE cor Little Flower & McKinley St., Zone R-2, condl. Case 7042 4/14/65 Lot 2- Permit to Merle Borg, George Cl"ain II & James Crain to (I) const sin fam dwell & 20' x 22' gar obs O' frontyd where JO' req; (2) el im teq underground sprinklers in exist larillfscaping; (3) entry deck to obs 7' frontyd where JO' req; (4) to be 37' high where max 30 1 is perm- 3425 Little Flower St, Zone R-2, cond'I C-13571 4-28-76---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to