Card_005_Aero Industrial Park
CARD_005_AERO INDUSTRIAL PARK.tif AERO I NOUS TR I AL PAii'$. CARD#5 Lot 23- Pecmit to Robert d. S. Ahn & Associates to constr 7 parking spaces for restaurant and snopping center; spaces to obs at closest point a 3' SB where JO' planting strip Is req on perimeter of prop adj streets, highways and public places at 7905 Engineer Rd. betw Brine! and Mercury Streets. Zone H-IA. Cond'I. c-12083 7-30-73 Amended- 8-20-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 18- The Z.A. consid the req of Darryl & Elizabeth Roundy to erect one 5' x 10' x 7' lttgN double-faced I ighted ground sign obs a 2 1 SB where 25 1 is estab the to encroach 81 into req 10! planting strip, at 4689 Convoy St. betw Engineer Rd. and Daggett St. Zone H-IA, afld.:has DENIED as req but APPROVED a 3' high x 8 1 wide, 4 1 high sign. Cond'l. c-12581 5-22-74 Lot 18- Permit to Darrow C. & Elizabeth Roilndy to constr a two-story commercial biilding to obs 0 1 int side yard where 14' Is req at 4689 Convoy St. Zone H-JA. Cond'I. ~ 11~10-?S ~ s-;;l.r- 77 c-13220 8-6-75-------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Lot 22- Permit to Josephine Distabile to develop property for use as a veterinary hospital at 4675 Brinell Street. Zone M-1-A. Conditions. 3-18-77, C-14142. Lot 18- Permit to Darrow C. & Elizabeth J. Roundy to (I) const addn to conmercial buildings obs O' interior side yard at 4689 Convoy Street. Zone M-JA. C-14838. 12-28-77. Lot 19- Permit to H&F Matsch and H&A Kanel, Owner; Weber's Bakery, Lessee, to remove exstg pole si%~ and replace w 4*8' monument sign obs JO' setback,c~fs,~91 Conv~y1~~~~ H-JA. a.,..... u-~ ~/)..) \11