Card_003_Aero Industrial Park
CARD_003_AERO INDUSTRIAL PARK.tif CARD #3 Lots 14 & 15- Permit to Carlos D. Pickering to use for a period not to exceed 2 yrs the rear half of Lots 14 & 15 as a parking facility for the Calif, Div. of Hwys without providing a 10' landscape area around the perimeter of the property adjoining public streets, 8110-30 Engineer Rd. betw CollVoy St. & Mercury St., in the M-lA Zone.. C-9481 N.H. 8-27-69 Lot 18- Permit DENIED to Dennis A. & Norma F, Newman to erect l dble-faced, illuminated, revolving, free-standing sign, 20' overall ht, face of sign 4 1 x 6 1 (24 sq ft); top of sign to obs 14' SB on Convoy St. where 25' nas been estab at 4689 Convoy St. betw Engineer Rd. & Brinell St., Zone M-lA. C-9395 7-29-69 ABOVE CASE C-9395 APPEALED to BZA- DENIED C-9395 9-3-69 Lot-31---AGREEMEllT#l602-to-Arrowllead-Puritae-Water-Co.-to-permit-tae-Moore-Electro_____ Assembly Co. to use tile property as a temporary parking lot, providing a landscape screen, vitllout underground watering system at 8105 Engineer Rd, Zone M-lA. A-1602 9-5-69--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 14 & 15- DENIED req of J. W. RENZULLI, INC. to (I) constr 13,800 sq ft warehse & mf~ bldg obs 0 1 inter SY where 10 1 is req; (2) prov approx 36% of Jot for parking, driveway & landsc where 50% is req & to prov addtl parking on adj lot under same ownership= Map 4639- Engineer Rd. betw Ruffner & Convoy Sts, Zone M-lA. C-11325 7-28-72-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------