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Development Services

Card_001_Acacia Park

CARD_001_ACACIA PARK.tif ACACIA PARK s CARD NO. 1 Lot 20- Permit to Harry Epsten to erect 2 dwellings in Zone R-1, ground area 5000 sq. ft. for each with SB on Catoctin and Choctaw Drives. Res. No. 70042 10/3/39-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 42-43- Permit to L. T. Giaciolli to realign lots to face upon Catoctin Dr., to allow 2 residences in Zone R-1, 4715 Choclaw Dr. Res. No. 72768 11/26/40 Lot 52- Permit granted to Jacob Schlammp, 4360 Iowa St, to conduct an auto court of 10, units on Lot 52, Acacia Park. Res, No. 74125 5/13/41----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 5- Permit to Mrs. F. A. Gilliam to convert an exist into living quarters with 0 1 sideyard. store room at 6334 El Se- < A 9vee Res, No, 201-rt;/.17 Cajon Blvd. 11/5/42 Lot 38- Condl permit to Milton Bruce & Ruby M. Mayfield to add to an exist storage room at 4848 Art Street, making 2nd living unit on lot. Res. No. 855 2/15/45----------------------------------------------------------------------------------