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Development Services

Cabrillo Village Unit #5 Card 1

CABRILLO VILLAGE UNIT #5 CARD 1.tif tf.. m.r.&n:15) 1ai-s CARD*::i I ti Letl55-~= 'fillac In. Ce. te c-,Iete dq. taa. r 1, lar&P eberri. 4'10" die Jd. a aide (5' nq.), ud vitll 3'7" t~ eana t pi--,erq ll (3 19" nq.), , Bautnr Wa,: hetw. s,nc1radc Y, 1, 4U#r, a-1, eu, 11128 5/t/58, Lots 141,142,143, Permit to Cabrillo Village Development Co. to use residences on lots as model homes, with 3 1 x 6 1 sign identifying each model and to maintain sales office in garage on Lot 141, with 2 1 x 2 1 sign designating sales office; also maintain 10 1 x 20 1 billboard sign at 3490 Sandrock Rd, on Lot 119, Cabrillo Village #4 for 3 months, to expire 3-24-59. Case 2202 12-19-58 Lot 144- Dall & Della Dean to conat pest house & utility rocm addn with solid wall betv ll'tilit.7 rooa & bedroaa, 3518 Sandrock Rd., Zone R-1. Agreent tlo. ll65----------------------------------------Lot 154- Charles and Marion Dedeian to erect approx 60 ft. of 6 ft. high solid block wall observing 4 ft. setback on Sandrock Road where a lj ft. high fence is permitted in established 15 ft. setback, on lot. DENIED (6 1 high wall as requested, but GR.ANTED a 5 ft. ~&h solid block wall observing 4 ft. setback on Sandrock Road. C-8327 9-8Q67 Lot 215- Permit to Dean & Lorraine Hurst to const 26 16" x 16 1 fem rm addn to exist sin fsm dwell; addn to obs 16 rear yd & fireplace to obs 14' rear yd where 20' 1s req at 8867 Halsted St betw Altridge St & Unida K pl., Zone R-1-5, C-10117 RH 9-16-70