Cabrillo Terrace Block D
CABRILLO TERRACE BLOCK D.tif Block D, Lot 1- Build a res, within 5' of front line on Hill St. Granted to Glenn A. Heitsel Res/ 5o888 7/22/29 Lot 1- Permit to Rena E. Carmen & Hoyt C. Rath to alter interior of exist res obs 2' side yard, where 41 sideyd is req, at 3235 Hill St., R-1 Zone, condl Case No. 5784 6/18/63 Lot 16- Permit to James & Rosalina Fernandes to const recrm with bar sink addn to sin fam dwell, 3276 TAibot St., Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2111 10-30-75 Lot 11- AGREEMENT with John and Sharon Luz to construct a single-story addition to an existing single-story, single-family dwelling. Said addition to contain a bedroom with full bathroom in area previously used as a crawl space, creating a two-story dwelling. Bedroom has exterior access to rear yard and through garage and interior access to npstairs kitchen via stairs (no door to be installed in stairwell), located at 1030 Leroy Street, Rl-5000 Zone.--------------------------------------~Q~~~-!~_31_2______ 04/21/92________