Cable Road Addtition Block 14
CABLE ROAD ADDTITION BLOCK 14.tif CABLE ROAD ADDITION BLOCK 14 Lots l thru 23 & 32 thru-54- Permit to Sa.n Diego Unified School District to construct elementary school plant on parcel, approx 100' SE 0 intersec. 0 Chantilly Ave. & Escondido Ave. Zone R-1 6 110nths ext. to expire 4-18-63, 2 pr. ext. to expire 4-18-67 C.U.P. li834 4-18-62 Above Case No. 4834- 2 year extension to expire 4-18-69. c.u.P. case ~o. 4834 lbove Case No. 48.34- 3 year extension t.o e.xpire 4/18/72 1r Ir,,,. //f/7s- tl--/l?-1.Y 4/l.J+/69 '-f-/7- 72.. 7w 81,C. 3-15-67