Buena Vista Tract Block 4 Map 929
BUENA VISTA TRACT BLOCK 4 MAP 929.tif BUENA VISTA TRACT BLOCK 4 MAP 929 Lots 29-32- Cond permit to Douglas McKellar to div into 2 bldg sites, sin fam res on ea on La Jolla Mesa Dr. 125' Nly of Van Nuys Lots 1-- Cond permit to Douglas McKellar on ea La Jolla Mesa Dr. at Van Nuys Res, 4470 to div into 2 Res. 4508 & const sin fam res Lots 15 & 16-& Lot 17 exc Ely 25' Blk 3, Pac Bch Vista Tract, maintain 1 sin fam res on combined parcel, Randolph M. Gibbs qne Mary E, Gibbs. S-94 5-29-52 Lots 3 & 4 (Fraction bk. 4 & 5)- Permit to D. L. McHenry to move bldg at 816 Archer St. to diff. loc. same address HM 2334 5-17-56 Lotst7 & 8 1-hAGREEMENT to Wlllblam S. and Jennifer Wildrick to construct second story aaa, lon wt famTly room and ar sink to existing single-family dwelling, at 830 Van Nuys Street, Zone R-1-5, AGREEMENT #2467 7-30-79 Lot 27, 28, and Exe Map 3494- Agreement with Prudential California Realty to maintain a bar sink in second-floor bedroom with 3/4 bath and no exterior access, located at 5369 La Jolla Mesa Drive. Rl-5000 zone Agreement No. 4906 2/8/91