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Development Services

Brown Manor #1

BROWN MANOR #1.tif MWBN MANO:R #1 Lot 8- Permit to Fern Blell Enterprises, Inc, to erect 4' x 8 1 double-faced, 2 pole sign, back of setback line, for 6 mos. NW corner Foothill Blvd. & Tourmaline, Zone R-1 C-2590 6-19-59 Lot 7- Permit to Wm, A. & Alfreda Ott to constr patio add w/direct access; add to obs 81 rear yd & 13' rear yd (20' req) at 5126 Footnill Blvd., Zone R-4. C-5264 11-1-62 Lot 6- Permit to Jonn & Juditll Hunn to constr a 2nd story fam rm and batll addn above exist gar wnicb presently obse_rves an 8 1 811 rear yard, addn to also observe an 81811 rear yard and 36 11 balcony to obs 5'2'' rear yardf wb.ere 20' is req; at 5138 Footllill Blvd betw Castle Hills Dr and Tourmaline St. Zone R-1-5.cond 'L c-10887 12-1-71----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t