Brooks Addition Block 2 Card 003
BROOKS ADDITION BLOCK 2 CARD 003.tif BROOKS ADDITION BLOCK 2 CARD #3 4' Let 17- Permit DENIED to Patricia Jean Pollard to convert exist res bldg to offices and add 777 sq. ft. of office space providing 10 off-street parking spaces, where 14 are req; at 3758-64 Fourth Ave betw Robinson and Pennsylvania Aves, CO Zone C-10566 7-2-71 ABOVE ~PPEALED- APPEAL DENIED and the decision of the Z.A. be and hereby is sustained and affirmed. C-10566 7-26-71----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 17- permit b Jeff Atkins ~o (1) constr 368 sq. ft., 2-story off add to exist'2-story bldg (4253.8 sq. ft.), bldg obs 3.5' int side yd & add to obs 3.5' int side yd; (2) pro- vide 13 park spaces, 4 tandem, (14 req), at.3760 4th Ave, Zone CO C-12779 9/6/74 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 17- Permit to Lutzke Corp. and Phyllis C. Mena to use property to teach fine arts at 3760 Fourth Ave., ~Zone. Condition. C-13978, 12-6-76. Lot 18- Permit to Oscar & Carmen Valencia- at 3766, 3768, 3770, 3772 Fourth Ave., Zone CO- to enlarge l story nonfonf beauty & grooming facility by converting a 2-story apt and office lbdg on same Jot to that use & prov 12 off-st pkg sp. Condit. c-15810 3/30/79---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 9- ZA APPROVED amended request of SEUNG-YIL & IL-RUN SONG to convert exist. garage, stor~~e & laundry to studio apartment, attached to an exist, one-bedroom apartment & to prov, e 9 compact parki~g space~ where 8 compact parking spaces are permitted & to provide 300 sq, ft. of landscaping on-site where 800 sq. ft. is required at 316 Pennsylvania Ave. Zone R-3A. C-18199 1/30/84 tf ~