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Development Services

Brookes Addition Block 9 Card 002

BROOKES ADDITION BLOCK 9 CARD 002.tif BROOKES ADDITION BLOCK 9 W 82' of Lot 1- Permit to LeRoy & Dorothy C. Kurlander to convert existing res. to office for two doctors with one employee; five off-street parking spaces to be provided, two of which will be obstructed. These obstructed parking spaces to be used by employees only, not patients, (usable parking & 7 spaces req., lteach 300 sq ft) at 3695 3rd Ave. SE cor of Pennsylvania Ave., R-4 Zone cond'l C-5548 3-28-63 Lot 11- Z.A. nae considered the AMENDED request of Tony, Pauline & Salvatore Dalfio to provide four parking spaces in front yard obs 5" from front prop line wnere 3' is req and 15' from face of curb wnere 18' is req, at 3609-15 Third Ave betw Brpokes Ave and Pennsylvan: Ave. Zone R-4 and nas DENIED the request. c-10537 6-16-71 ABOVE APPEALED & DENIED and tne decision of tne Zoning Administrator was sustained and affirmed. C-10537 7-12-71 Lot l- Permit to Marion H. Hansen to convert exist two-story duplex to sin fam dwell and constr 44 sq. ft. kitchen extension & stairway to second floor. Addition to obs a 12'-10" rear yard where 15' is req, at 315-319 Pennsylvania Ave. betw Third and Fourth Avenues. Zone R-4. C-12462 N.H. 2-15-74 Lot 22- Permit DENIED to John D. Mann & Richard A. Townsend to maintain 1,187 sq ft professional office conv from Jiving area, etc., at 3678 Fourth Ave., Zone CO. C-15613 2/26/79 Above appealed and appeal granted to maintain 1,187 sq. ft. prof. office conv from living!~;~ ~~epi6cE!:i7?7~ ~x1~~i2im~~~~n;p~~!~s, maint 2 exisc:1~tijstr pkg SPg;f9f7~v 2 addn so