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Development Services

Broderick & West Add Block 2

BRODERICK & WEST ADD BLOCK 2.tif pRODERICK & 1,.'EgT ADON BtOCX s CCl//7-oD- 'S tot 5- Permit to W. S. Briar to move l-story frame stucco bldg. and nat root, white, 16' x 18' in size, from front ot 4240 Poplar ot Pickwick, 166 ft. west of 34th ~. HM Res. 143 converttto residence, st. to South side 2-16-48------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 11, 12 and 13, Permit to City of ~n Diego for William Leslie to move a frame gar with apartment a tove, frcn J.339 Pickwick '3t. and relocate on same lbtr~ HM Res. 537 8-16-49-----------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1 thur 5, Permit DENIED to Lloyd T. Penick to canst & Opera",e contractor's yd, 34th & Pickwick sts. Res No. CC 103474 8-851------------------------------------------------------ Lots l thru 5, Llo. d T. Penick- Hearing cont'd & referred to City Atty Y Pl. Dr. (J.BOVE) Res. No. cc 103474 S-~51--------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1 thur 5, tolyd T. Penick- ZC overruled on Res. No. 5739 (~VE) Res. No. CC 103569----------------------------------------------------- Lots l thru 5, & por of Lots 6 thru 8 Permit to Lloyd T. Penick to const 6 1 painted tence with 2 1 sentback on Pickwick st., Pickwick ~. at 34th st. Res. 6029 11-28-51--------------------------------------------------------Lots 1 thru 5, & por of lots 6 thru 8- Permit to Uoyd T. Penick to exted contractor's story yd using l thru 5 to Uclude por of 6 thru 8, Pickwick at 34th. Res 60JO, ll-28-5J------------------------------------------------------- Penick (ABOO'.'E) c.c. ratified z. c. Res. No 6029 12-6-1 %---------Z--------